I was a big fan of your services and appreciated everything you did, but this is unacceptable and unbelievable. Please recheck my account and give me access for a short time to retrieve what is mine after you have done what you want. Never send or receive any suspicious/scam/spam/bulk/impersonating emails. I've been using protonmail for almost a year and have never had any problems. I typically use open wifi networks (to which many people have access) internet centres, to access my protonmail account. Please double-check and grant me access to my account. I've never sent or received a suspicious email to/from/ anyone. After that, you can do whatever you want with the account. I require 12-24 hour access to my account in order to retrieve my bank and social family accounts.

Tickets: 1972890 1972887 Protomail is being abusive with me, not the vice versa!! I’m a 75 year old man, I never sent or received any emails that violated your terms of service. I will be looking for alternatives going forward. It’s also concerning that Proton is surreptitiously snooping on accounts to arbitrarily flag and close them without warning. It’s too bad proton has to rely on error-prone AI to do their work than an actual person with critical thinking skills to address a simple question. As of this writing I have not received a response. I requested in plain English clarity on exactly what ”abuse” allegedly occurred. That doesn’t give me any meaningful information as to what “abuse” allegedly occurred. The customer service agent gave me a vague answer that their anti abuse system automatically “flagged” the account. I was shocked to read this and naturally appealed it. All was good until one day proton mail decided to close my account for a suspected “privacy violation”. Proton mail seemed promising with their claim to being a “private, secure and encrypted email service” - a perfect match so I thought.
I switched to proton mail from one of the larger email providers precisely to avoid snooping by those companies. Let me preface by saying that I had high hopes for proton mail initially.